Breeding Outcome

Each offspring will be allotted four properties at the time of reveal:

  • Clan of the Cryptonite (e.g. BTC, ETH)

  • Rarity of the Cryptonite (e.g. Legendary, Epic)

  • XP Points of the Cryptonite

  • Rarity of each Body Part (e.g. Common, Rare)

  • Generation number of the Cryptonite

All four properties of the cryptonite might or might not be transmitted to the offspring through parents.

The Clan

The clan of the offspring would always be transmitted by the parents. Check the framework here:

For example:

If ETH cryptonite is breeding with BTC cryptonite, then the offspring will have a 40% chance of getting ETH clan, 40% chance of getting BTC and a 20% chance of getting any clan other than BTC/ETH.

Once the complete population of any limited clan comes into the cryptoverse, no more cryptonites of that clan will come into existence, and the probability of other clans in offspring will adjust accordingly.

Rarity of Cryptonite

The rarity of the offspring will have 2 parts:

  • Base rarity, this is the same as global rarity distribution in CryptoVerse.

    • 5% for Legendary

    • 15% for Rare

    • 30% for Epic

    • 50% for Common

  • Parent Kicker

    • Each parent's rarity will have a 3% kicker in the base rarity (if the rarity of both parents is different)

    • If the rarity of both parents is the same, then Parent 1 will have 3% kicker whereas parent 2 will have a 5% kicker. Overall the kicker would be 8% for the rarity of parents.

Eg1-> If common + Epic are breeding, rarity prob distribution looks like this: Common Probability: 53/106 (50% + 3%) Rare Probability: 30/106 Epic Probability: 18/106 (15% +3%) Legendary Probability: 5/106

Denominator used-> 50 + 30 + 15 + 5 + 3 (parent 1 kicker) + 3 (parent 2 kicker) = 106

Eg2-> If Epic + Epic are breeding, rarity prob distribution looks like this: Common Probability: 50/108 Rare Probability: 30/108 Epic Probability: 23/108 (15% +3% + 5%) Legendary Probability: 5/108 Denominator used-> 50 + 30 + 15 + 5 + 3 (parent kicker) + 5 (parent kicker) = 108

XP Points

XP points of the cryptonites will be transmitted to the offspring in a fixed manner.

XP points of offspring = Round [(XP parent 1 + XP parent 2)/7]

Depending on the number of XP points that the cryptonite gets, his level will also get mapped.

More the XP points parents have, the more the XP points will be transmitted to offspring 💪

Mapping of XP points and levels can be found here.

Body Parts

The rarity of individual body parts depends on the rarity of the parts of the parents. The rare the body parts of the parents, the more will the chances of your offspring getting rare body parts.

There will be only 1 type of armour right now. The armour will come exclusively for legendary cryptonites.

Generation Number

The Generation number of the offspring is directly realted to the Gen number of parents.

  1. If 2 genesis cryptonites (Gen 0) breed together, the cryptonite will always be a Gen 1 cryptonite.

  2. If 1 genesis cryptonite (Gen 0) breeds with 1 non genesis cryptonite (Gen>0), the cryptonite generation will be -> Parent 1 Generation + Parent 2 Generation +1

  3. If 2 non-genesis cryptonites breed together, the cryptonite generation will be -> Parent 1 Generation + Parent 2 Generation

Apart from these game logics, your luck will also play a crucial role in defining the final breeding outcome.

  • If you are lucky, your might get a lucky breed. More details here

  • If you are very lucky and are breeding with 2 genesis cryptonites, you might get twin eggs as well 🍳 There would be a 5% chance to get twin eggs in such an event.

Last updated