Selling Market

Sell NFTs on OWN Marketplace in seconds 🕰

Want to sell an OWN NFT?

You can simply list your NFT for sale on OWN Marketplace to sell NFTs.

  • Go in your wallet and select the NFT you want to sell.

  • Click on the "Sell Button" on the NFT. You will see the payment details page on your right.

  • Input the NFT price, you want from the buyer.

  • Once you have confirmed the pricing, your asset will get listed on the NFT Marketplace

  • You can also see your listed assets on the Marketplace by clicking here

  • Once someone buys your asset, the payment will reflect in your OWN wallet.

Selling through BNPL

Cryptonite NFT owners can also sell their assets to those buying through the Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) option on our platform.

There is generally a higher demand for these NFTs as a lot of buyers do opt for this.

NFTs get sold 25% faster with BNPL.

The buyer initially pays the downpayment amount and the balance amount is recovered daily from the buyer's earnings.

Sellers usually recover the balance in 45-60 days.

To enable selling through BNPL, you must toggle to the right the option on the listing page.

Last updated